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Jim Litzinger
Jul 8, 2018
Orton Ceramic Announces 7 New Course Offerings
In response to industry demand, Orton is offering a series of new short courses dealing with refractories and glass. The first new course...

Jim Litzinger
Apr 21, 2018
Measuring Flexural Creep of Ceramic Investment Casting Shells
Understanding the creep behavior of the ceramic shell is important because shell distortion at high temperatures must be minimized during...

Jim Litzinger
Feb 28, 2018
5 Ceramic Products That Changed the World
When you think of ceramics, many people may flash back to a high school pottery class or think of a fine china or dollmaker. What many do...

Jim Litzinger
Jan 22, 2018
Orton Welcomes New General Manager!
The Board of Trustees of the Edward Orton Jr. Ceramic Foundation announces the retirement of its General Manager for the past 16 years,...

Jim Litzinger
Jul 17, 2017
How Kiln Environment will affect a Pyrometric Cone
Those experienced in firing ceramics know that kiln atmosphere can have a major influence on the reaction rates and properties of the...
Jim Litzinger
Jun 6, 2017
TempTabs: What They Are & How They Work - Watch This Video!
TempTabs are used to measure temperature uniformity, consistency and repeatability in high temperature applications between 850-1750C...
Jim Litzinger
May 24, 2017
Dr. Joseph Homeny is promoted to Research and Technical Director
The Edward Orton Jr. Ceramic Foundation is pleased to announce that Dr. Joseph Homeny has been promoted to Research and Technical...

Jim Litzinger
May 16, 2016
Sintering Dental Zirconia and Temperature Measurement
Controlling the temperature when sintering dental zirconia crowns, veneers, and implants is critical in order to achieve the highest...
Jim Litzinger
Apr 4, 2016
2016 Orton Cone Box Award Winners - NCECA Kansas City, MO
This video highlights the award winning pieces of miniature ceramic art from the 2016 Orton International Cone Box Show displayed during...

Jim Litzinger
Mar 21, 2016
Tools for Conducting a Refractory Failure Analysis
Refractories can be evaluated after their service life to collect critical information that may be used to guide product development and...

Jim Litzinger
Feb 3, 2016
2016 Orton Cone Box Show!
The Orton Cone Box Show will be featured during the 50th Anniversary of the NCECA (National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts)...

Jim Litzinger
Jun 23, 2015
How Does Heat Transfer Affect Temperature Uniformity In Kilns?
Orton has pyrometric products, electronic controllers and kiln vents for monitoring and controlling your electric and production kilns....

Jim Litzinger
Jun 3, 2015
Are Pyrometric Cones Necessary in an Electronically Controlled Kiln?
For less than the cost of a can of soda, a set of Orton Ceramic Pyrometric Cones placed in each kiln firing will provide you with the...
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